Monday, May 24, 2010

Space Exploration

Feeble humans have a hard time going into space.

Some years ago, during the so called "Cold War" (seems an instant for Me) they were eager to put whatever means to ride farther in space, on the moon and beyond.
Ready to kill whoever opposes to their side.
These days, they don't have the will to go outside their commercial orbits.

They did it many times though. Colonization seems graven in their genes.
America, Asia, Africa. The (soon to be former) masters of this world got all territories they could.

Nowadays, they're stopped by mere budget troubles.

Is this race faltering at last ?

I guess the real reason is they found no one to kill and spoil, for now.

Next time, they'll be the natives.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

More Finance

Hmmm... Maybe We, The Great Old Ones should found a bank to skin our cultists to the bones!

Decidedly, this Finance thingy needs more of My attention. Stay atune while I get something up!