Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Human sillyness will always astound Me!

Playing with their fears, celebrating a feast they don't even know the origin and meaning.
O how they should be fearing this Day, though. Really.
It is My Day.

Celts were right to fear it. Thinning border between their world and Mine. Indeed!
Nowadays, Humans make fun of it, even making their children playing tricks!

Last time I told you I was preparing a party celebrating your coming demise.
What do you think the main course was ?

Let me quote a not so silly human writer:
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity..."

Now, if you dare, take a look at police statistics counting missing children and youths in the following days of... My Day!

Note to the parents: please, can you stop buying'em those indigest plastic masks and costumes ?

Now, going to my doctor. If he doesn't have some cure for my aching stomac, his flesh would make an acceptable remedy!

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