Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Last time, I told you about the Tcho-Tchos and Tibet.
But no time to mess up with that. To raise as many children as I have is such a hurdle...

I didn't told you, I got many followers, and lovers, and brides, and children, and human flesh these last two months.
Seems this world is as full of people as it can be.

I've got several dozens of Youths, now... and about twice as many to come. And more devoted human followers, ahem... some of them not as human as that, in fact.

To tell all, I'm a bit frightened by these humans. So much violence in them. I don't have to incite them to kill or kidnap new brides or servants. They go for it, more eager to kill and rape than anything else. By just doing that, they spread my semen. I just need that for now. Get more and more of them.

I just worry for discretion.

But in these times, it seems all is possible, even the most chocking, brutal, savage.
One of these young Europe countries even recently elected a new president with this slogan: "Ensembles, tout est possible"!

Iää!!! They deserve it!

Soon my hordes of Youths and zealots will crush their homes !

This forest which I haunt becomes too small for me and my croud... Need more space and food. Maybe we'll go to this great city I see, not so faraway.. with its great buildings reaching the skies, it makes me feel Ye Old Irem of the Pillars is back from the Desert dust.
Must have damp and wet entrails below its chining carapace.

And the humans which are dwelling there are as ants we will feed from, like some predators.
I can feel even from here how they are full of fear, and hatred of themselves.
They will serve me well, willing or not !

From there the Long Journey will begin. First find the Others Old Ones, and conquer, and dominate!
Can't wait to see the masters of this Earth falling and crouching!

But first, reaching this city. Don't mind its name, it will be dub after Myself! My Capital!

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