Sunday, April 6, 2008

Still waiting...

I have sent one squadron my worst human zealots to the city. With some of my Youths.
They told me strange things. The entrails of this metropolis show the signs of recent Shoggoths dwellings...
Waiting for my Youths to contact them. If they can't, I will go Myself and see...

Not that I fear them, but depending of their maturity and number, they can be a hurdle to manage.
And yet can be so useful.
As for I know, they seem to have taken the control of the big city, one way or another. Maybe for some aeons.
All humans my zealots met are marked by their Sign, in their flesh and spirit.
Even the lords of the city, the "Mayors" as they call them, are under their influence.

I need to learn more about that before moving more.

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